Alternative gifts, sometimes called ‘good gifts’, are gifts that provide something to the clients of a charity such as a pair of socks for a homeless person, or a chicken for a village farmer.
In this guide, you’ll learn why you should be offering alternative gifts through your not-for-profit organisation, and how to do it.

Our 10-year relationship with Concern Worldwide has included designing, developing and maintaining their alternative gifts site. The site offers multiple gift options and has the functionality to automatically send an email gift card to a gift reciplient on a set future date.
Concern's gifts site has had increasing conversions year-on-year, with particular high points around Christmas and New Year, and has even shown growth during the COVID-19 pandemic at a time of global recession.
SystemSeed's delivery of, our online ethical gifts website, has meant huge improvements to the user experience, security, backend architecture and content editing of the website.

Get your gifts site
Speak with one of our expert team members about your organisation and find out how a gift site might work for you.