Seamlessly developing for the world’s most popular devices

Enterprise Mobile Apps & PWA

You want to have a website or web application that works perfectly on multiple platforms and mobile devices without any compromise in features. We use the best tools available to make sure your web projects look and work great on mobile and tablet - as well as desktop.

We create custom mobile-responsive sites, progressive web applications (PWA) and native mobile apps for any business that get results, whether for Android, iOS or desktop environments.

  • Cross-platform mobile-first development
  • Hybrid and progressive web app development
  • No need for separate mobile application
  • Multi-channel conversions
  • No internet connection required
  • High-speed, responsive frontends
  • Get seen on any device
  • Works for all users and devices
  • Custom mobile app development
Why do mobile app & PWA development?
Benefits of mobile-first and native mobile applications

Whether you’re using an old mobile phone or a high-definition monitor, a PWA applies all view modes and user interface changes without hiccups. No need to refresh pages or go to separate URLs.

Code once, run anywhere

If a device can go online, a PWA will run on it. It’s a single hybrid web application that will work wherever your audience wants to use it - on their desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. It's a rapid development cycle for any business or enterprise.

Resilience & reliability

A PWA looks and acts like a mobile app, once it’s been installed. It doesn’t always need an internet connection to work, and is better than a native mobile app because you don’t have the hassle of publishing to an app store.

Save on maintenance

The codebase is one and the same for desktop, tablet, mobile and PWA versions of the app. This means one set of management costs and one set of maintenance, leading to overall lower overhead costs. We facilitate any mobile strategy.

Built on top of established web standards

To make a mobile-first app or a progressive web application (PWA), all that’s needed are libraries of open-source web technology staples, namely HTML, CSS & JS. This saves costs and makes feature delivery more efficient.

Reduced cost on complex projects

If your project encompasses many users over different devices and usage patterns, then a mobile-first PWA approach is almost guaranteed to be the most efficient way of delivering the project.

Frontends that feel like native apps

PWAs prompt the user to install the application as soon as they navigate to it. If downloaded and installed, it becomes an icon in the user’s app list or a shortcut on their desktop. It performs as best as the device allows, with no browser in sight.

Serving the growing mobile market

According to Statista, more than half of all web traffic now originates from mobile devices. A PWA additionally allows our clients to completely side-step all of the sign-up and costly vendor verification required with traditional app-store publishing.

Internet connectivity is optional

A traditional web app is beholden to whether or not the user is online. Making any changes when offline or accidentally closing the page can be disastrous in most cases. A PWA mitigates this by helping manage data and frontend purely on the device rather than through a browser.

Responsive user interfaces

A key feature of any PWA is that it’s lightning fast, because it doesn’t need to query the browser or the server for its core functionality. Using native rendering techniques, the UIs can be as slick and fanciful as needed.

Need a web app that runs everywhere?
Get in touch with SystemSeed.
An “offline-first” web platform that looks & feels like a native app

One of the basic assumptions by the WHO EQUIP team when developing a digital tool for assessing mental health assessors was that users would rarely have any internet connection at all. A connection would be required when uploading data to servers for processing, but anything running as a web page would be prone to corruption from outages of the device and connectivity.

In many cases, a web application would not have been an adequate solution for this project. However, leveraging the advantages of PWA, we developed an intuitive and seamless web app that allows users to install it from their browser onto their tablets and never have to care about if and when they are online while using it.

Leveraging the best open-source tools available, we made a web app that behaves like a native mobile app, without needing the user to be online. The user is prompted for any function requiring internet access, and there is never any data corruption.

Chris Nater
Full-stack developer, SystemSeed
Offline enabled portable web app for enterprise web application
Sounds great! Are there any drawbacks to progressive web applications (PWA)?

Nothing’s perfect. Not having a native mobile distribution cuts off access to features like NFC and Bluetooth. Other features that browser environments traditionally don’t have access to are the device’s phone number, contacts, the calendar etc. However, this is where React Native can help to deliver all desired features.

What exactly is needed to make an app into a PWA?

Many frontend frameworks such as React have native support via tools and libraries to allow a straight-forward implementation of PWA features. Since these are all open standards, there are no licenses or proprietary knowledge required.

No internet connection required? How does a PWA then send and receive data from the server?

If there is no internet connection, then it can’t. The idea isn’t to make a backend redundant, it’s to make the frontend a separate entity that behaves as if everything is happening on the user’s device. If a PWA’s frontend needs a connection, then it can alert the user and behave in any way necessary.

Is a PWA or mobile-first project costlier than a traditional single-channel app or website?

It completely depends on your requirements. Many features an always-online desktop user would require could very well be the same as those of an iPhone-user when they lose their 5G connection. There might be some overhead and extra development effort associated with features that require extra considerations for all usage patterns.

Can a PWA affect security and privacy of data?

No, there is no difference in risk versus a traditional web application running in the browser. Behind the scenes, a PWA runs in an environment based on the browser it was downloaded from. It is actually less likely to be manipulated in any way, since there are no easily-accessible dev tools or console commands like most browsers have.

If the user must install the PWA, how are updates managed?

Surprisingly, it’s even more seamless and simple than a traditional native application delivered via an app store! The next time the progressive web application is opened, any updates to the frontend are automatically applied, just like in a browser when the page is reloaded to fetch any changes.

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