Illustration of one person being counselled by another whilst a training observer takes notes

New client story: Online training and assessment for WHO EQUIP

How we've helped the World Health Organisation get to 1,500 weekly users for their EQUIP mental health intervention programme

We're currently working with WHO EQUIP (World Health Organisation - Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support), a training approach for helpers to develop the right competencies to deliver effective mental health and psychosocial support.

EQUIP is a training approach for helpers to develop the right competencies to deliver effective mental health and psychosocial support

Our role is to provide the tablet-based LMS (learning management system) and competency-based assessment tool that is now in use in 29 different countries.

That includes multilingual translation flows for the content as well as making the training available for offline use in low-connectivity areas.

EQUIP assessment results screen

Learn more about the EQUIP project and how we've been using our own ANU LMS to put this hugely valuable training online.

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